Saturday, September 23, 2006

A Letter To Kishidou

Dear Kishidou,
i dunno when will you read this letter, or will i tell you or not that i write this for you.. :)
but i wanna write here all things that i can't tell you directly.
you know, that i have loved you... much. yes, i do.
but.... i can't help myself to afraid.. yes afraid that you will broke my heart.. like the other guys did. geez, you can say i'm paranoid or what... :-S but right now, i already feel that i love you much, ergh, nda tau lah cara omg nya yg bener gimana, but i just hope that you can understand what i feel now. mungkin juga ini yg nama nya trauma? wew, ak juga nda tau.... i can feel your love, yes i can... but i still afraid, coz jose was loved me too, tp ternyata he is just a jerk. ak takut klo feeling ku ini salah... kishidou, can u understand me?
trus juga, ak juga pengen omong, klo ak tuh ya gini apa ada nya, and i hope u can accept me just the way i am... ak yg kadang suka manja, egois, atau cengeng. tp ak juga isa kok jd dewasa, hehe... i'm trying to give you the best i can in me... :) yahh, it's me the way i am... i wonder what do u think about me?
Kishidou, sometimes i feel so glad to have you. abis kishidou tuh bnr2 gimana yah,. baek bgt... ak bener2 jd terharu, coz ga banyak ak nemuin co yg kyk gt ke ak... bener2 udah kyk lagu nya paris hilton,... "i don't mind spending some time just hanging here with you.... coz i don't find too many guys that treat me like you.......... baby you see the real me inside, and i'm satisfied...." :P
hemm... yah, at least ak cuma bisa bilang " i love you, and i hope you love me just the way i am, and that you won't break my heart again." yah yg ak maksud di sini yg bener2 break my heart yah, bukan cuma yg tengkar2 kecil, bukan nya wajar klo bertengkar sekali2, hehe... maksud ku disini break my heart yg bener2 nonjok... yah , tau lah, yg kayak jose lakuin..... :(
ummm......... ya udah deh, segini ajah... :)

XOXO, Mytha -- Oujo

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Kishidou, ehehehehe....

Um...................... bener2 ga nyangka klo sekarang ak isa jadian ama kk mikuru, suer ga nyangka. apalagi pas maren minggu dia nanya "sapa yg kamu sukai?" wew, i blush in front of pc... geez...
hehehehehe. and getting more blush when he said "totemo aishiteimasu" aih aih.... :">
trus juga pas maren dia nanya2 sama kk aira, owh, it made me so happy, becoz that means he cares me right? sempet deg2 an bgt waktu nanya ma dia, sebener nya ak nih apanya km? duh seneng bgt pas dia jawab pacar.
and he calls me oujo that means princess and i calls him kishidou that means knight. ok, it reminds me with supernova novel, ksatria putri dan bintang jatuh, hahahaha. hey, it's like my dreams come true. iya, dr dulu jaman sd kan ak suka mimpi2 gt klo someday someone will makes me his princess. hahahahahaha.
klo kishidou baca ini juga gpp kok, coz kadang hal2 yg ak tulis di sini adalah hal2 yg ga isa ak ungkapin langsung... :) yah, i just want him to know that i'm happy to have him in my life now..

Friday, September 08, 2006

Promise Ring

Kisah sepasang cincin.
ak pernah punya sahabat, yg ak pikir dia adalah soul mate ku, tp ternyata dia ilang tanpa jejak.
padahal ak udah beli hadiah ultah nya.. sepasang cincin yg klo disatuin bakal jd bentuk hati.
sempet juga mikir mau kasih ke Jose, tp untung nya Tuhan udah menyadarkan ak duluan klo Jose itu brengsek.
Sekarang, cincin itu masih tersimpan rapi di lemari ku. dan ak bakal kasih cincin itu, buat someone yg bener2 bakal cinta sama ak, yg ga munafik, yg ak yakin murni en tulus sayang sama ak. sekarang ak cuma bakal nunggu, sampai someone itu dateng..... :)


Jose nembak Tira.
satu hal yg terlintas di kepalaku waktu denger tira omg itu. tega bgt? jd yg semua jose omg ke ak, itu BULL SHIT. ak g tw mana yg lebih sakit, diboongin, atau baru sadar sama semua kebodohanku percaya sama buaya kyk gitu. dan yg lebih parah, ak isa ngangenin org kyk gt!! i can't believe how stupid i was. but now it's all is over. udah saat nya ak melangkah, just like i said, he's so yesterday.
yeah, i am strong. tough. and i'll be alright. God is on my side, so i will be ok.

Friday, September 01, 2006

sOmEThiNg I wAnNa TeLL mY Ex....

This poem... dedicated to Jose, my ex guy. Taken from my fave singer's song... :P (i have forgiven you, don't worry, but i still want you to know this, coz this is what i feel)

So Yesterday

You can change your life, if you wanna
you can change your clothes
but if you change your mind...
well, that's the way it goes

If it's over, let it go and...
come tomorrow it will seems so yesterday
so yesterday
I'm just a bird that's already flown away
Laugh it off and let it go and...
when you wake up it will seems so yesterday
so yesterday
Haven't you heard that I'm gonna be okay

You can say you're bored, if you wanna
you could act real tough
but if you say you're torn
well, i've heard enough

you made my mind up for me
when you started to ignore me
Do you see a single tear?
but it's not gonna happen here
at least not today....
not today

If you're over me
I'm already over you
If it's all been done
what is left to do?
how can you hang up
if the line is dead
if you wanna walk
I'm a step ahead
if you're moving on
I'm already gone
if the light is off
then it isn't on
at least not today...
not today

and btw,... that guy is fool coz i am a great girl friend... LoL
Wanna See??

You are a Great Girlfriend

When it comes to your guy, you're very thoughtful
But you also haven't stopped thinking of yourself
You're the perfect blend of independent and caring
You're a total catch - make sure your guy knows it too!