Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Wad Is "The Wedding" Mean?

Ehm, banyak orang takut dengan yg nama nya komitmen, dan komitmen diatas segala komitmen adalah merit alias nikah. What's the reason behind marriage? Jawaban yang langsung ada di pikiran adalah "cinta" but hey.. that's too abstract, isn't it?
Gimana klu feeling? When your feeling says you wants marry this someone, than marry him/her. Hehe... gampang na si gitu... tp apa si logika nya di balik org merit ituh? Let me try to write it here...

Menikah itu seperti bermain kaki tiga.
Itu lho, permainan jaman 17 Agustusan ketika kita harus memilih partner yang kaki sebelahnya diikat ke salah satu kaki kita dan berdua musti mencoba berlari sama-sama, sambil nahan malu
dan berusaha nggak jatuh di tengah- tengah ibu-ibu satu RT yang histeris.

It's like the game in the sense that your partner and you understand each other perfectly where to go.

Your partner and you understand that you need to walk together without anyone left behind, dragged behind, tailed behind, or holding you from behind. You know that you need to harmonize your path together.

Your partner and you agree on how tight the rope should be tying your legs together, either loose, considerably tight, or barely feel it; and understand that the rope is there not to keep either of you from doing something else, but to give you a chance to do it together and win the day.

Last but not least, both of you agree that when something got rough, blaming the other for falling down will not do any good. Picking up the other's shoulder and support him/her to keep on walking is the only way to get to the finish line.

source at friendster bulbo by my friend

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