Thursday, June 28, 2007

My TwiNs...???!!!!

Pertama liat, sumpe ak bengong.
Maksud ku... kok isa yah miriiiiiiiiiip bgt ma ak? Kek lagi ngaca?

Hohoho,.. binun yah...? Gini2 cerita ne, ak pas lg nge add fs na adek sepupuku, trs di friendlist nya dia ak liat foto yg i think looks like me??? trs ak buka aja profil na, dan bener.. jreeeng.. emg mirip.. Beuh, bener deh kek kembaran ku banget,,... yah mirip2 na kek Marcell sama Mischa gitu deh.. hihi.. perbandingan na maksa...

Tuh liat ja gambar yg disebelah, wahai teman2 ku, khusus na yg uda pernah ketemu sama ak, liat de, mirip gak????? Itu bukan ak loh... itu ak ambil dr fs nya ce yg mirip ma ak itu, nama na Vallen. Ada yg kenal gak ma dia?? Ak jd pengen ketemu sama ni anak satu, trs jalan bareng, nah pasti deh dikirain sodara kembar... hehe. Liat ja, mirip mulai dr rambut, mata, idung, sama pipi na isa sama....

Ehm, tapi ada kok beda na dia ma ak,.. satu, pipi dia lebih chubby kek na, trs ga ada bolong na, klu pipiku kan ada bolong na, hehe itu si minjem istilahna hunny kuw, kata e pipi ku bolong ^^.

Tapi emg ada yah, orang yang bener2 mirip sama kita, sekalipun kita ga ada hubungan darah apapun sama orang itu. Eh tapi ada deng hubungan darah na, sama2 keturunan Adam dan Hawa gitu.... he... tp kenapa yah Tuhan kok isa nyiptain dua orang yg mirip? Tapi ya pasti ttp beda, org kembar identik aja isa beda kok...

Dunno, dunno... it's just a God's mistery...

can you see that you are the owner of my heart?

At this time, i miss my hunny so so so much... somehow i think how can i live without him? how can i survive? kadang2 sampe2 mikir, apa ak ne yah yg terlalu kek gini? is he feels the same way? abis na setiap dia ngasi offline message kok singkat2 bgt.. tapi tapi tapi... setelah dipikir2 lagi.. ya itulah dia, ya itu hunnyku tersayang.. halah halah...
tp iya kok.. mungkin ja dia emg susah buat ngungkapin na lwt kata2 atau gimana, tp yg lebih penting buat ak kan bukti na, maksud na dr sikap na, from his body language i know him, i can see him trough his heart... hmm... jd inget, pertama naek kereta ma dia pas sek-sek an banget waktu itu abis lebaran, but he treats me so sweet. I mean, i really know and i really can feel that this guy can protect me, no matter what happen, that how i feel, klu inget itu sekarang, jd senyum2 sendiri, trs ujung2 nya jd tambah kangen.. uda hampir sebulan kan ga ketemu.. tp bsk mo janjian maen seal bareng, asik asik, uda kangen banget soal na..
duh tu kan, mungkin ak yg terlalu berlebihan atau gimana? somebody please tell me...??

Thursday, June 07, 2007


A woman goes to Italy to attend a 2-week, company training session.

Her husband drives her to the airport and wishes her to have a good trip.

The wife answers :
"Thank you honey, what would you like me to bring for you?"

The husband laughs and says: "An Italian girl".
The woman kept quiet and left.

Two weeks later he picks her up in the airport and asks:
"So, honey, how was the trip?"
"Very good, thank you."
"And, what happened to my present?"
"Which present?" She asked.
"The one I asked for - an Italian girl!!"
"Oh, that" she said "Well, I did what I could, now we have to wait for nine months to see if it is a girl !!!"

Moral of the story: Don't tempt a woman,
they are far too intelligent than you can imagine!

Believe-or-Not... LDR again

Sometimes it feels kinda strange.... i have been with my bf for 7 months already, be with him everyday.. but now, we must get in long distance love AGAIN..!
Ah.... but somehow i'm sure that we will be fine... it just.. eh, we gonna be 9 months annivessary soon, kinda sad that there is no him besides me..?
But we still can meet at internet, or by phone, or email, or sms, rite??
I trust him, and neither do him.
So i know that we will be fine...