Thursday, December 07, 2006

Cape de.......!!!!!!

Aih aih,... cape bgt hari ini.. suer suer.... td abis latian band.. latian nya si fun2 ajah, enak malahan, cuman ya itu, langsung brangkat kerja jd ne cape bgt.
Btw, bsk ak bakal manggung tanggal 22, duh deg2 an deh.. cuman ya udah jalanin aja kali yah :P trs juga uda nemu lagu2 keren.. salah satu nya ak bakal nyanyi lagu nya Audy yg "arti hadirmu"

keren loh lirik na..

Bunga bunga layu, tak mengapa asal kau tumbuh disampingku.
Malam telan cahaya, tak mengapa asal kau sinari cintamu.
Mimpi buruk menyapa, tak mengapa asal kau ada dipelukku.
Tak pernah berjumpa, tak mengapa asal kau ada dikhayalku.

Segala bujuk rayumu buat sejuta ragu.
Jantungku pun memacu...

disini kuberdiri …
mencoba mengerti .. arti hadirmu.
Mengerti sinar diwajahmu.
Mengerti tenangnya jiwaku.
Akhirnya ku mengerti .. diriku memang untuk kau miliki

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Stay The Same

i think... this lyrics motivate me.... kinda like that ^^

Don't you ever wish
You were someone else
You were meant to be
The way you are exactly
Don't you ever say
You don't like the way you are
When you learn to love yourself
You're better off by far
And I hope you always stay the same
'Cause there's nothing 'bout you I would change

I think that you could be
Whatever you wanted to be
If you could realize
All the dreams you have inside
Don't be afraid
If you've got something to say
Just open up your heart
And let it show you the way

Believe in yourself
Reach down inside
The love you find will set you free
Believe in yourself
You will come alive
Have faith in what you do
You'll make it through

Don't change...

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Brown Eyes

Umm... tadi na ini mau ak taro di Morning View, tp ga jadi ah.. maluw... hehehe...
anggep aja ini buat lagu "2 months anniversary" atau klo kata kishidou.. hari totemo ashiteimasu... hehe.. looph u hun...

Remember the first day when I saw your face?
Remember the first day when you smiled at me?
You stepped to me, and then you said to me,
I was the woman you dreamed about.
Remember the first day when you called my house?
Remember the first day when you took me out?
We had butterflies although we tried to hide it,
And we both had a beautiful night.

The way we held each other's hand,
The way we talked, the way we laughed,
It felt so good to find true love
I knew right then and there you were the one

I know that he loves me, cause he told me so
I know that he loves me, cause his feelings show
When he stares at me, you see he cares for me
You see how he is so deep in love
I know that he loves me cause it's obvious
I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts
And he's missing me, if he's not kissing me
And when he looks at me his brown eyes tell his soul

Remember the first day, the first day we kissed?
Remember the first day we had an arguement?
We apologized, and then we compromised
And we haven't argued since
Remember the first day we stopped playing games?
Remember the first day you fell in love with me?
It felt so good for you to say those words
Cause I felt the same way too

The way we held each other's hand,
The way we talked, the way we laughed
It felt soo good to fall in love
And I knew right then and there you were the one

I'm so happy, so happy that you're in my life
And baby now that you're a part of me
You showed me,
Showed me the true meaning of love
And I know he loves me

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

When Dreams Become Reality

Hari Jumat kemaren, akhirnya, ak ketemu sama Kishidou di Kediri... haha, ak mau cerita dari awal, tadinya deg2 an loh pas nungguin dia di stasiun, tegang bgt deh...........!!

Yah,....... pokok nya we have a wonderful time together..........
Dan hari ini, tadi pagi, Kishidou balik ke Malang. Ak ga tau kenapa, tp ak bener2 ngerasa sediiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhh bgt, ak ga mau Kishidou pergi, ga mau........ Rasanya ak ga rela klo kita cuma ketemu di YM lagi kyk dulu....

Tadinya, Kishidou sebelom ak ketemu dia, cuma di YM, isa ngebuat ak sayang ama dia walau cuma via cyber, dan sekarang, setelah ak bener2 ketemu dia, setelah ak bener2 tau klo dia "real" ak jadi makin susah buat ngelepasin dia, i mean.......... rasanya beda bgt...... beda bgt......

Dia cuma balik ke malang, bukan berarti ak ga isa ketemu dia lagi.... tp ttp aja rasanya bener2 gimanaaaaaaaaaa gt.............. huehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I know that you can hear the rythm of the rain
although we're miles apart I know you feel my pain
I try to be so strong
I try to carry on
but since you left the sun don't seems to shine

My tears are falling on the words you wrote to me
I wish that somehow they could take me where I wanna be
it seems so long ago, you held me when I cried
for now I just pretend you're by my side

Everything that I touch turns to blue
when I'm living in a world without you
I'm going crazy baby I am missing you
Can't imagine all I go through
when I'm living in a world without you
I'm not alone I know that you can feel it too

Sunday, October 22, 2006

So Close

Td malem, jose sms aku.... dia bilang "ak kangen bgt sama km". Hueks!! Plis deh, dan sms itu ga ak balesin. Yang bener aja deh, dia uda nyakitin ak sebegitu nya, trus dng enak nya dia bilang kyk gitu???

"You were everything that i wanted,
we are meant to be, supposed to be..
but we lost it..
and all of the memories so close to me just fade away.."

Sekarang gini, klo ak, uda cinta sama co,
i can give him everything...
tapi, dia malah nyia-nyiain itu.
Dan sekarang, udah terlambat untuk kata maaf

Lagian, I have Kishidou now right?
He is everything that i can expected
Who's the one who besides me when i am scared and when i need someone?
Kishidou... bukan Jose
Jadi, jawaban ku ke Jose udah jelas kan...?
Kishidou, klo kishidou baca ini.... just trust me, that my love is only for you right now. And no one can compare it, termasuk Jose...
Jose udah nyakitin hatiku, tapi Kishidou udah nyembuhin luka itu...
I just love you... the only one... trust me.

At first I was afraid I was petrified
I kept thinking I could never live without you by my side
But then I spent so many nights
Just thinking how you've done me wrong and I grew strong
I learned how to get along
And so you're back from outer space
I just walked in to find you here with that sad look upon your face
I should have changed my fucking lock
I would have made you leave your key
If I had known for just one second you'd be back to bother me
Oh now go, walk out the door
Just turn around
Now, you're not welcome anymore
Weren't you the one who tried to break me with desire?
Did you think I'd crumble?
Did you think I'd lay down and die?
Oh not I, I will survive
As Long as I know how to love,
I know I'll be alive
I've got all my life to live
I've got all my love to give
I will survive,
I will survive

It took all the strength I had just not to fall apart
I'm trying hard to mend the pieces of my broken heart
And I spent oh so many nights
Just feeling sorry for myself
I used to cry,
But now I hold my head up high
And you see me with somebody new
I'm not that stupid little person still in love with you
And so you thought you'd just drop by
And you expect me to be free
But now I'm saving all my lovin'
For someone who's lovin' me

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Another Quiz ;)

Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?

MY RESULT:Dream Girl

You’ve got it all – affection, a cool head, a positive attitude, and all that other stuff that guys want their girlfriends to have.

You’re light-hearted, fun, romantic and not too sleazy – a great combination. When you start a relationship, there’s a good chance the guy will totally fall for you, whether he intended to or not. Keep up the great attitude and you’re sure to be a heartbreaker. (Please just try to be gentle.)

Take This Quiz!

HoTTie.... geezzzz

Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...

How Hot Are You?

MY RESULT:Scorching Hot

101 degrees and no relief in sight. (No relief from your sexiness, we mean.)

You’re definitely hot. Plus, you love to have fun, and you’re way open to weird, exciting new experiences. And, you don’t get too carried away with yourself – as celestially hot as you are, you’re still pretty down to earth. Anyone would be lucky to know you, let alone get close enough feel some of that heat.

Take This Quiz!

Am I a Good Girl?? Tee-Hee (wink~~)

Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...

Are You a Good Girl?

MY RESULT:Always A Surprise

Are you a good girl or a bad girl? No one will ever know for sure.

You give off the impression that you’re totally good, but under the surface, there’s a bad girl waiting to strike. Be careful - you have no idea how hard it can be to have a bad reputation. Like, imagine scoring the hottest guy in school, and the next thing you know, there are lewd photos of you posted all around the school.

Sound enticing? You’ve got to check out this fall’s hottest novel, Good Girls. It’s all about a good girl whose reputation is in danger after she gets into some, uh, compromising situations with her hottie boyfriend.

Be a good girl and read more here!

Take This Quiz!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


I dunno....
Kyk nya ak mulai ngerasa cape plus jenuh sama hari2 ini,
semua nya sama aja..
pagi kuliah, sore kerja....
akhir2 ini ak sering mikir
"whoa! uda pagi lagi!"

Mungkin ak cuma terlalu cape...
sama kerjaan ini?
Thx God besok hari terakhir kuliah,
mungkin liburan ini...
i can take a rest...
(walopun masi kerja >.<)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

One Month

Hari ini tanggal 10 Oktober 2006... haha, hari ini... pas sebulan ak "jadian" sama kishidou.
Tadi nya, ak pikir dia ga inget, tp ternyata... dia inget! kishidou bilang hari ini hari "totemo aishiteimasu" heuheuheuehue... geli sendiri pas dia omg itu. tp, jelas, ak happy bgt...
i mean, seberapa banyak sih co yg inget tanggal jadian? apalagi cuma sebulan?? aihh.........

Kishidou.... bener2 baek. It's really like my dreams come true..

It's like he come stepped out from my dream

he cares me much, he know me so good, bahkan dia bener2 bakal dateng ke pwt buat ketemu ak.
i mean, for me he's really perfect..........

what i could ask for more??

ak jg inget, dulu bgt ak pernah mimpiin pangeran ku. He said.. "wait a moment.. tunggu sampai kamu 17 tahun"
yah ak ga inget bgt yg dimaksud sama "my soulmate in my dream" itu, waktu ak 17 tahun atau dia 17 tahun?
hey, bentar lagi ultah ku yg ke 18.. brarti waktu ketemu kishidou ak masih 17 kan??
owh... iya ak ngaku, emg semua co yg pacaran sama ak setahun ini semua nya bikin ak bertanya dlm hati, "could he is the one for me?"

trus gimana dengan kishidou ya?
could he be the one?

Right now, i just feel so happy.... and i hope that this feeling will last eternally...
I hope...

Monday, October 02, 2006

Who Am I?

Actually, who is me?
And what's people looks in me?
Is there someone who really loves me?
Someone who really cares me?

People may judged me wrong
But i don't care
They don't know me
They don't know the real me

I live my own life
This is my prerogative
I think i'm big enough to take
my own decisions and my own way

Saturday, September 23, 2006

A Letter To Kishidou

Dear Kishidou,
i dunno when will you read this letter, or will i tell you or not that i write this for you.. :)
but i wanna write here all things that i can't tell you directly.
you know, that i have loved you... much. yes, i do.
but.... i can't help myself to afraid.. yes afraid that you will broke my heart.. like the other guys did. geez, you can say i'm paranoid or what... :-S but right now, i already feel that i love you much, ergh, nda tau lah cara omg nya yg bener gimana, but i just hope that you can understand what i feel now. mungkin juga ini yg nama nya trauma? wew, ak juga nda tau.... i can feel your love, yes i can... but i still afraid, coz jose was loved me too, tp ternyata he is just a jerk. ak takut klo feeling ku ini salah... kishidou, can u understand me?
trus juga, ak juga pengen omong, klo ak tuh ya gini apa ada nya, and i hope u can accept me just the way i am... ak yg kadang suka manja, egois, atau cengeng. tp ak juga isa kok jd dewasa, hehe... i'm trying to give you the best i can in me... :) yahh, it's me the way i am... i wonder what do u think about me?
Kishidou, sometimes i feel so glad to have you. abis kishidou tuh bnr2 gimana yah,. baek bgt... ak bener2 jd terharu, coz ga banyak ak nemuin co yg kyk gt ke ak... bener2 udah kyk lagu nya paris hilton,... "i don't mind spending some time just hanging here with you.... coz i don't find too many guys that treat me like you.......... baby you see the real me inside, and i'm satisfied...." :P
hemm... yah, at least ak cuma bisa bilang " i love you, and i hope you love me just the way i am, and that you won't break my heart again." yah yg ak maksud di sini yg bener2 break my heart yah, bukan cuma yg tengkar2 kecil, bukan nya wajar klo bertengkar sekali2, hehe... maksud ku disini break my heart yg bener2 nonjok... yah , tau lah, yg kayak jose lakuin..... :(
ummm......... ya udah deh, segini ajah... :)

XOXO, Mytha -- Oujo

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Kishidou, ehehehehe....

Um...................... bener2 ga nyangka klo sekarang ak isa jadian ama kk mikuru, suer ga nyangka. apalagi pas maren minggu dia nanya "sapa yg kamu sukai?" wew, i blush in front of pc... geez...
hehehehehe. and getting more blush when he said "totemo aishiteimasu" aih aih.... :">
trus juga pas maren dia nanya2 sama kk aira, owh, it made me so happy, becoz that means he cares me right? sempet deg2 an bgt waktu nanya ma dia, sebener nya ak nih apanya km? duh seneng bgt pas dia jawab pacar.
and he calls me oujo that means princess and i calls him kishidou that means knight. ok, it reminds me with supernova novel, ksatria putri dan bintang jatuh, hahahaha. hey, it's like my dreams come true. iya, dr dulu jaman sd kan ak suka mimpi2 gt klo someday someone will makes me his princess. hahahahahaha.
klo kishidou baca ini juga gpp kok, coz kadang hal2 yg ak tulis di sini adalah hal2 yg ga isa ak ungkapin langsung... :) yah, i just want him to know that i'm happy to have him in my life now..

Friday, September 08, 2006

Promise Ring

Kisah sepasang cincin.
ak pernah punya sahabat, yg ak pikir dia adalah soul mate ku, tp ternyata dia ilang tanpa jejak.
padahal ak udah beli hadiah ultah nya.. sepasang cincin yg klo disatuin bakal jd bentuk hati.
sempet juga mikir mau kasih ke Jose, tp untung nya Tuhan udah menyadarkan ak duluan klo Jose itu brengsek.
Sekarang, cincin itu masih tersimpan rapi di lemari ku. dan ak bakal kasih cincin itu, buat someone yg bener2 bakal cinta sama ak, yg ga munafik, yg ak yakin murni en tulus sayang sama ak. sekarang ak cuma bakal nunggu, sampai someone itu dateng..... :)


Jose nembak Tira.
satu hal yg terlintas di kepalaku waktu denger tira omg itu. tega bgt? jd yg semua jose omg ke ak, itu BULL SHIT. ak g tw mana yg lebih sakit, diboongin, atau baru sadar sama semua kebodohanku percaya sama buaya kyk gitu. dan yg lebih parah, ak isa ngangenin org kyk gt!! i can't believe how stupid i was. but now it's all is over. udah saat nya ak melangkah, just like i said, he's so yesterday.
yeah, i am strong. tough. and i'll be alright. God is on my side, so i will be ok.

Friday, September 01, 2006

sOmEThiNg I wAnNa TeLL mY Ex....

This poem... dedicated to Jose, my ex guy. Taken from my fave singer's song... :P (i have forgiven you, don't worry, but i still want you to know this, coz this is what i feel)

So Yesterday

You can change your life, if you wanna
you can change your clothes
but if you change your mind...
well, that's the way it goes

If it's over, let it go and...
come tomorrow it will seems so yesterday
so yesterday
I'm just a bird that's already flown away
Laugh it off and let it go and...
when you wake up it will seems so yesterday
so yesterday
Haven't you heard that I'm gonna be okay

You can say you're bored, if you wanna
you could act real tough
but if you say you're torn
well, i've heard enough

you made my mind up for me
when you started to ignore me
Do you see a single tear?
but it's not gonna happen here
at least not today....
not today

If you're over me
I'm already over you
If it's all been done
what is left to do?
how can you hang up
if the line is dead
if you wanna walk
I'm a step ahead
if you're moving on
I'm already gone
if the light is off
then it isn't on
at least not today...
not today

and btw,... that guy is fool coz i am a great girl friend... LoL
Wanna See??

You are a Great Girlfriend

When it comes to your guy, you're very thoughtful
But you also haven't stopped thinking of yourself
You're the perfect blend of independent and caring
You're a total catch - make sure your guy knows it too!

Monday, August 28, 2006

i am HOT ?! Geezzzzz

You Play it Cool

You're not in your face, smokin' hot... and it's all by design
You have a carefully crafted cool persona, leaving everyone wanting to know just a little more.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Buaya Darat

Ga nyangka bgt... orang yg selama ini ak anggep co baek2, yg berstatus sebagai co ku, ternyata cuma seorang buaya! ak bener2 ga nyangka, dia isa nyium tira, paksa lagi! ga tau pa sakit nya ak gimana? lom lagi, dia malah mentingin minta maaf sama tira dulu. sialan sialan!!! gimana mungkin si ak ketipu???? sakit nya minta ampun.......................
Ternyata co emang SEMUA nya buaya darat!!! shit, bisa bisa nya jose malah nyuruh ak nyampein maaf nya buat tira. ga punya perasaan!!! ga tau pa ak aja sakit nya minta ampun. bener2 kurang ajar!! jadi selama ini yg dia bilang ke ak, sms2 dia, yg bilang klo dia sayang sama ak, semua puisi2 romantis itu cuma BULL SHIT!!!
Ak musti kuat, ak ga boleh kalah sama buaya2 itu. ga blh....... emang sekarang rasa nya sakit bgt... tp pasti ak bisa bertahan. harus.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I Miss You

please calling me back Lord...

How i miss you

take me back to Your arms

Saturday, August 05, 2006

WHat PeOpLE loOks iN Me...?

ak lg bete. banget. gara2 di kerja. gara2 mas handoyo jelek. gara2 semua... heran napa si ak isa di cap sbg tukang chatting, hey, maybe i used to be, but i'm not anymore. bahkan ada banyak yg lebih parah dr ak kan. yg ngebetein lg, mas handoyo itu. pokok nya makan ati.........!!
phew............ ak capek. bgt. cuma gimana? orang2 terlanjur liat ak sebagai mita yg ceria. yg nda pernah sedih atau marah. pagi ini sebenernya ak nda mau jaga.. ak pengen istirahat, tp gimana? devy maksa minta digantiin en nda ada lg yg isa gantiin. tau napa, ak bosen bgt kerja disini.. pengen deh cari kerjaan baru. tp dimana en gimana? ak sendiri ga tau..?
tp dipikir2... toh ak punya Yesus. klo Yesus dibelakang ku, ak nda perlu khawatir soal apapun kan? Dia nda bakal membiarkan namaNYa dipermalukan.... gimana2 ak di dunia ini ngebawa nama Yesus, ak jd model Dia di dunia ini. jd ak harus memandang segalanya dr segi positif, iya kan? ak musti berusaha memperbaiki diriku, jadi better person. bukan nya lari dr masalah, karena itu ga bakal menyelesaikan masalah, klo ak lari, seumur hidup ak bakal di cap sebagai pengecut. dan ak bukan pengecut. mungkin ini saat nya buat mempraktekan apa yg dibilang WWJD. What Would Jesus Do. kira2 apa yg bakal Yesus lakuin jika Dia ada di posisiku sekarang? mungkin Dia justru akan mengasihi orang2 yg membenci Dia. iya kan? jd itu yg harus ak lakuin. ak harus mengasihi musuhku. iya, pasti nya itu susah bgt. tp klo ak punya Yesus, apa si yg mustahil?

Yesus Kaulah pembelaku
pada siapa aku harus takut?
Yesus Kau perlindunganku
ku tak gentar menghadapi musuh
sekarang tegaklah kepalaku
hadapi lawanku
yang berada disekelilingku
dan mulutku memuji
bermazmur bagimu
bersorak bagi kebesaranMu

Thursday, August 03, 2006

LuV mE mORe...

right now, i wanna tell you about my boyfriend... uhm, he is cute (i'm serious! he is so damn cute!) and he loves me. oh, you probably will ask me "how can you know? you even never meet him!" yea, that's right. i never meet him, and that's must be so strange for some people.
you can laugh at me, but i can feel it... in his voice, and trough his messages. the only things i wonder is... i love him, but not much. LoL. this is not the kind of joke i tell you, well... sometimes i imagine, how if he is really the one i will spend my entire life with? actually, i can't understand what i feeling about him. it's not like the other love i have feel, i don't feel so crush, or my heart didn't beat up so fast. all i feel is just a comfort... a comfort to know that there is someone out there who really loves me.
but... one night, when i was sick, he called me and he said he's so sorry coz he can't being here with me. and guess what, i cried. i cried thinking why we are so far away. and the only thing remains in my head is Daniel Bedingfield song, if you're not the one. LoL
so, is my boy really the one for me? hmm.. let time answer it.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

An Affair???!!!

udah lama bgt ak ga buka blog ini... dah lama juga ak ga kirim post; kali ini ak pengen banget nulisin semua perasaan ku ke sini.. umm, ak mau pake bhs indo aja.. lg ga mood inggrisan.
gini, ak jadian sama co.. kita long distance love. dia jauh dari ak.. ak bahkan kadang ga yakin apa dia bener2 real. tp ak sayang sama dia...
sampe suatu hari.. btw itu baru 3 hari yg lalu. ak kenal co.. di chat, anak sini, dan ternyata dia anak bekas guru ku, jadilah kita langsung akrab gitu. besok nya, dia nganterin ak ke kerjaan en jemput ak, nemenin ak dll... trus rasanya ak jd suka sama dia.. jujur face dia bukan tipe ku, tp personality nya itu yg bikin ak lumer. yg pasti ada setrum nya........
intinya, ak ga isa ngelupain dia, sama sekali ga isa. padahal ak tau ini salah, ak tau yg ak lakuin ini ga bener, ak dah punya co! tp... ttp aja.... selama ini, ak dah pacaran via cyber lama bgt ampir setaun, mulai dr jaman haney sampe yg sekarang ini. mungkin itu yg bikin ak lupa gimana rasanya klo deket sama co nyata yg bener2 ada di sebelah ku, yg isa becanda bareng, ketawa bareng... ga cuma via chat atau sms.
td siang ak dah kerumah co itu (the new boy) tp... sekarang ini ak dah kangen lg sama dia. kangeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen bgt... pengen banget ketemu... ak dah sms dia suruh kesini, tp dia ga bales2 atau kesini. dan itu bikin ak bete... kyk kemaren, ak nungguin kabar dari dia seharian tp ga ada kabar apa2, dan itu bikin ak bete, sama kyk sekarang... i just can't get him out of my mind!!!
ak ga tau musti apa.. semakin ak pikir semakin pusing. ak ga ngerti.. mungkin orang bakal sebut ak player atau apa.. ce yg ga setia atau apa. tp ak tau, klo misal ak pny co disini, yg bener2 disini ak ga bakal selingkuh atau ngeduain dia. masalah nya, kenapa co ku tu jauh????? ak cuma isa serahin ini ke Tuhan... ak emang ce yg masi mau seneng2, yg masi mau milih2.. dan jalan ku masi panjang... tapi, ak cuma pengen dia dateng sekarang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, June 30, 2006

when will this emptiness fade away?

i am tired... i get tired of being hurted by someone i loved.. it always just the same, i know someone, we get close to each other, and i started to fall in love with him. and everything seems so perfect at the first. until, here comes time when he starts to ignore me and all...!!!
can anyone tell me why? i don't ask a lot, all i want is just someone, who love me and cares me with all of his heart and love me just the way i am. is that too hard to be true?
or sometimes, when i think my life is perfect, i still feel so lonely. i can't help my self for it. i feel that no one really cares about me and no one love me. i feel so empty inside.
ok, maybe in times i can feel so happy and enjoy my life, but there is time like these, when i feel so desperate... it's just become a part of life maybe?

Monday, June 19, 2006


tadi malem sumpah ak deg2an banget... gimana coba klo ak ga lulus? kan malu bgt klo musti ngulang kelas 3, parah na lagi.. ak isa diusir dr rumah sama papa. wew.
td pas sampe di skul juga deg2an, untung banyak temen ksh support.. jd ga pa pa.
trus sampe akhir na, diumumin klo nilai ku plng tinggi sekelas... trus juga di mapel inggris na paling tinggi se kab... tp jadi na skul ku juga paling tinggi rata2 na. omg.. puji tuhan bgt.. nilai semua na 25 koma berapa gitu.. inggris na 9,00 bi 8,80 trus ekonomi na 7,30... all i can say is praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 18, 2006


i just watch this movie last night.. and i must say that it's a kewl movie... and it's made me realize something..
1. that we must fight evil in this world, lately today there's so many terrible things happened.. that maybe it means... it's the end of the world.
2. that we will never know when we'll die, that's mean, we must appreciate life.
sometimes, i feel so lonely and that life's sucks and that i'd rather die... but in fact, we can't just waste our limited time just to feel sorry about ourselves. we should enjoy life, while we still have the chance to do it. imagine, what happens after we dead? ok, this topic starts freaking me out... i hate talking about what happens after we dead. but i can't deny it, we just have 2 choices... hell or heaven. so i just think to try my best to live my life. yes, life is colorful, sometimes it's sweet, sometimes it's so bitter. but can we just enjoy it? enjoy the bitterness and the sweetness... coz this is life.

p.s : possesed people is horrible, i hope it would never happen to me and all people i loved, and i suggest, if u think that you believe in Christ, then better watch this movie. becoz i feel that i trust Him stronger after i watch this. lol.

I wANT yoU tO WanT mE

right now, i think i got a crush with a boy (of course!). He's so nice, kindly... but just like the other boy, he acts annoying sometimes. you can say that our relation is complicated, but at least we are good friends, even that i call him "hun" lol.
he had an ex gf.. and i just think that he can't make his mind. he can't choose what he wants. stupid i think, but i can't stop to cares about him. me, i don't wanna fall in love with him, but i can't deny that i want him.
it's sooooooo hard to guess what exactly i feel to him, but i think is like i mention, i just want him. i want to know how it feels if he's mine, but the most important is i want him to want me. but what can i do? he even can't make his mind... i must show him, that i worth his full attention. geez, i have a good words for this, taken from M2M song, i'll write it here....

someone to treat you right
stay with you day and night
i can tell that's what you need
i know just what to do
i'll take good care of you
baby, you can get that from me
i can tell she's not treating you right
everytime you look at me..
so which one will you choose?
you look so confused..
tell me the truth...!
do you know what you want??
love's so hard to find
so make up your mind
do you know what you want??
oh baby can't you see?
one minute you're with me..
the next one you are all over her
she talks behind your back
you know i'll stay on track
something she wouldn't for sure
how can i help you to make up your mind?
boy you're running out of time
please call me and say
i am the one
you need in your life
the game that you play
ain't no fun
just answer me now

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

SEAL oh SEAL....!!!!

sori aja kali ini ak pake bahasa indonesia yah, krn ak lg sebel bgt...
tau deh ak tu plgn suka ama game ol yg bernama seal, tp kenapa sehhh seal di warnet ku tu bermasalah selalu???
plis deh, ak cuma pengen maen seal dengan tenang, dan kali ini ak lg ngepatch ulang seal ku,
sementara itu waktu sudah menunjukan pukul 12 siang, padahal tar sore ak jaga warnet jam 3!!!
o my god... sapa seh yg ga pusing?
ok mungkin ak mang kecanduan seal atau apa ak ga peduli deh..
ak juga ga tau apa tujuan ku nulis post ini di blog ku.. yah, cuman buat ngisi waktu luang sekaligus latihan jari di tengah warnet yg berisik banget ini (lg pada maen CS gitu loh).
hemmm, trus juga besok senen tu pengumuman.. adoooh!! kira2 ak bakal lulus ga yahhhh???
but as my cousin says "you have do the best, let God do the rest" amen.
wew, ini ngapain juga seal na pake lama bgt?
kyk na abis ini ak mo update website ku aja deh biar ga bosen....
ak juga mikir, sapa ya kira2 yg bakal baca tulisan ngacoku ini?? heuehehehe....
GBU alwayz.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

NoT a GirL not YeT a wOmAn

this is not a Britney's lyrics or what, lol. i think i'm on this line now.
right now my age is 17 and it will be 18 on october this year.
i dunno am i still can call my self a teenager? or a young lady?
or even my dad still call me "baby girl" lol.
i'm not childish.. but i love when my dad called me that way, coz it means he loves me, rite?
even some ppl says that i'm wiser than my age, lol.
ahhhhhh.... i just made this blog and i dunno what to say coz this is my first time post a message.
but i think i will made this blog my diary, kinda like that.. ^^
what should i say next?
ummm, i know most of our problem in our life is looking for our love one, am i right?
whether right now we have find the one yet or not...
i think, God made us each have a soul mate, oh come on you can say me that i'm naive or what still believing in something like that.. but honestly, yeah i do believe.
maybe it's like "the prayer" song..
"i hope each soul will find another soul to love..."
lol. actually what i am talking about now????
but guys, even if we haven't find the one yet, that doesn't mean we can't keep being happy and enjoy life. example, me. lol. i have being single for 5 months, and i am okay, i still enjoy my life and all. and i still have my friends... :)
but i know... sometimes i still feel so lonely, i still wants to have someone special, i want someone who can cuddle me, caress me, and all. but hey, if we spend time just for feel sorry for ourselves it won't work! God won't send someone that suddenly appear in front of us like magic right?
for that, we must go out, hanging with friends, and see if we can find somebody or just having fun... however guys, we live this life just ONCE, so don't wasting your time!! ^^